Sunday, 27 November 2011



         今天我和我的家人起了一个大早,爸爸要带我们去晨运啦!当我们都准备好后,我们便坐上爸爸的老爷车,愉快地出发到 taman bukit jalil(英语)。一路上,我们有说有笑,不一会儿就到达目的地了。屈指一数,我们已经好几年没来这儿了。我们话不多说,立刻就开始晨运。我们一边谈天说地,一边踏着轻快的脚步,欣赏着小道边的风景。我们一家人好久都没有一起晨运了,我感到非常开心。走着走着,我的两个妹妹开始喊累了。结果,他们俩就留在游乐场玩耍,而我,则跟着爸爸妈妈继续走了大概二十分钟。这时我们也累了,便回到游乐场寻找妹妹们。



         接着,我们便踏上归途了。由于我已经六个月未剪头发(夸张),爸爸决定带我去理发店,修剪一下(你是盆栽吗?)。不一会儿,理发师便剪好我的头发了。爸爸为我付了钱后,带我到 maxis 的店。 他叫店员拿了 HTC Cha Cha 给我看,看看适不适合我妈妈。我大笑了一声,妈咪都没有Facebook account,用这架手机简直就是浪费!妈妈看了也说:“我老花,看不到。”。最后只好对店员说拜拜啦!(英语!!!)







       这就是我的星期天。 我觉得非常开心。我很喜欢和家人一起度过的美好时光。你呢?



primary school essay
Title: My Sunday 
Date: November 27, 2011
Weather: sunny

Today I and my family got up early, my father took us to the morning walk! When we are ready, we get into Dad's old car, happily off to taman bukit jalil(english). Along the way, we talked and laughed and soon reach the destination. we have not went there gor few years already. We did not talk much and immediately began to morning walk. we chat, while marching brisk pace and enjoy the trail edge of the landscape. it has been a long time since we last had our morning walk, and I am very happy. I walked, my
two sisters began to feel tired. So, they both stay in the playground, and I followed Mom and Dad to walk for another 20 minutes. At this time we are tired, we go back to playground to look for my sisters.
When we go to the playground, we cant see both of them? ! (Indiscriminate use of punctuation) Mom and Dad and I are very nervous, not knowing what to do. We traveled the park to look for them (exaggeration). Although we tried very hard to find, but still can not find. Suddenly, these two ladies slowly toward us like a miracle! We immediately relieved (rash).

Next, we have to eat breakfast. Dad took us to seri petaling for
hunting (are you animals ?) I used to live here, but now moved. Going around, we finally decided to go to a noodle house to eat breakfast. Mother and sister highly recommended pig cartilage noodle here, so i ordered a bowl of it to have a try. taste amazing! Delicious delicious delicious (repeat)! !

Next, we journey had came to an end. Since I have not cut my hair for six months (exaggeration), my father decided to take me to the barber shop, trim (you are a bonsai?) Soon, a  barber finish cutting my hair. After my father paid the money for me, he take me to maxis shop. He called the worker took the HTC Cha Cha for me to see does it suit my mother . I laugh, Mommy do not have Facebook account, this cell phone is simply a waste! Mom looked and said: "I presbyopia, can not use.". Finally had to say goodbye to the staff ! (In English!!!)

Reached home, I immediately went to shower! After drying the hair,looking at the mirror, cut it really thin, not a good thing ah ~ Suddenly, my mother said she want  to take us to IOI. Yeah ~ I'm so happy (not the punctuation)




I reached home ! Really rewarding experience. Me my sister and my mother spend 356.80 ringgit in PADINI! My sister bought five items, even more than me.

This is my Sunday. I feel very happy. I enjoy the good times spent with my family. How about you?

Teacher comment: fainted ~

lol sorry i myself also cant understand


  1. btw.... ur head lah.. wat 略过略过略过略过略过... now i oso got a lot comment but i 略过略过略过略过略过略过... XP

  2. So hard to type in Chinese so I gav up d
    Had real many things wanna share but rely lazy hehe


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