Monday 16 June 2014

23.02.14 let's have fun!

not sure if i can call it an annual event but it's Chinese New Year Festival 2014 in KMS!
after months of preparation including doing all the paperwork, practising for performances
, getting sponsors...
finally the big day had come!

in the morning, we had something like a carnival in Antares, our hall
set up a few stations to have games and workshops for the students hahaha sound so professional
the preparation started early at 7 in the morning

decorating the venue


setting up

sound check 1 2 3 hahaha wei liang's face

wa aisun's sweet smile~~~

 had Miss Ting as one of the adviser for the event
the carnival started as soon as the ribbon cutting ceremony was conducted

the first person to try out all the games!

okay now let me introduce the stations one by one

the first one:  吹梅  
you basically just drop drops of ink onto the red paper and blow it into branches using a straw, then add some plum blossoms with pink water colour or liquid paper

let's all learn together~

spread the branches~

meiyi and her pink little fingers

the second station: 書法
only people who are good in calligraphy were given this task
to help people to write their name in Chinese
people like me who seldom even hold the calligraphy brush after form 3 can only look from the side and admiring their writings lol~

you name it, they write it

薇晴 =目

happy with their names

meanwhile, we started posing with the balloons hahaha


we also had 2 許願池 where students could toss coins and make wishes
our own Trevi Fountain lololol
it's more simplified
the students just tossed the coins into respective boxes which were labelled with the subjects they wish to be excel in

who knows
this might have worked ;)

the following station is 套馬
another station where you could try you luck and toss rubber bands to the sticks

it's not easyyy

next, we had a station for diabolo tutuorial
here students got to try playing diabolo with the help of the ‘tutors’

 learn a new talent here

had a corner named 萬人梅 where everyone could paint their thumbs and decorate the board provided

now everyone can draw~

there were a few rounds of lucky draw too
students got their angpau from each station which contained the lucky numbers
the presents prepared were pendrives, powerbanks and hampers
the more you played, the more angpau you get, the higher chance your number might be drawn~

checking their numbers

the lucky ones =D

on the other side
the first station is Beri Ambil
the students just passed the mandarin oranges following the tempo
"Beri, Ambil, Beri Ambil Beri "
whoever got it wrong lost and the one who stayed till the end won

sometimes the oranges got smashed because the students were too nervous lol

and here's our cleaner auntie cheong

challenge me ;D

the next station was still related to mandarin oranges, it's 雙龍搶珠
two students had to peel a mandarin orange together and finish eating it in 1 minute time
orange skin and juice all over the placeeee

test friendship  in a way hahaha

pattern banyak~

junjie cleaning up aww

the last station is 抬轎子
the students had to fill the box with mandarin oranges and carry it for a distance

it's all about speed and stability~

other than the station games, we had special guests too

first of all, 漢服模特 Han Chinese Clothing Model (hahahahahah) , Wei Pin

paiseh forgot to iron clothes and change the slippers hahaha

and the photo session started

anywhere anytime

answering call and taking groupfie while modelling

and another special guest was 財神爺, God of Wealth
who became the centre of attention immediately when he appeared!

everyone wanna stick to him hah

following him to everywhere

by the time the carnival was about to end, the people were already high and taking over the microphone lol

their stage hahaha

at around 12, the event ended
but no it's not the end yet
we still had performance at night

started having our final rehearsal after cleaning up the hall

took loads of photos while the hall was cleaned
rehearsal was never boring with these people!

that cute horseeee

they say behind every great man there is a great woman... so who is who now?

acting cool on the VIP sofa part I

acting cool on VIP sofa part II

making maximum use of the staircase hah pattern

meanwhile at the backstage
from practicing wushu to these...

the ladies

cant remember who started this

but they just

cant stop!

cherish the moment

the rehearsal ended by 4pm
everyone headed back to prepare for the night
for it had to be a success~

stay tuned =)

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